
Preserving the slow chant of the Bön tradition – 12 chapters of TroPhur

Through a collaboration with the musical department of Folkwang University of the Arts in Germany, it became possible to document the slow chant of the Bön tradition, gyer-yang. In collaboration with Folkwang ICEM (Institute for Computer Music and Electronic Media) a start was made for the development of a data base on Bön slow chant.

In order to explain the slow chant, excerpts for two main rituals were recorded. The one ritual the Throphur ritual. The other is related to the Protector Deities of Bön.

Please have a look at the developing data base here:

Additionally it was possible to embed parts of the data base in text, thus giving first public information on the Trowo Phurpa ritual itself, which is now available at ICEM website as well:

The Trowo Purpa ritual

The development of the data base and the publishing of the information on Bön ritual music is an ongoing project. Many thanks to ICEM at Folkwang University of the Arts for their kind collaboration.